Ranking Profile - GS Holdings Corp


GS Holdings Corp (GS Holdings) carries out the business of energy, engineering and construction, sports and retail services. The company through its subsidiaries offers oil and gas exploration, and electric and gas utilities. It also carries out the operation of supermarkets, discount stores, convenience stores, commerce stores and department stores, provides home shopping services; retailing electricity, as well as international trade. It also offers hotel, and media and marketing services. The company also operates a football club known as FC Seoul. It operates in China, Mexico, Vietnam, the UK, the UAE and Singapore. GS Holdings is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.

Company info

Country (HQ): South Korea
Sector: Power
Market Cap (US$ m): 2,869
Revenue (US$ m): 22,291 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Power sector

Innovation Ranking


Siemens AG



Korea Electric Power Corp

South Korea


GS Holdings Corp

South Korea


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Shikoku Electric Power Co Inc



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